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用"sky background"造句"sky background"怎么读"sky background" in a sentence


  • 天空背景


  • This article mainly discusses target detection problem in sky background
  • The work scheme of the future on the target detection research in sky background is also reported
  • This paper investigates the approach to estimate the maximum detection range of an infrared point - target against sky background based on the minimum resolved contrast ( mrc ) criteria
  • From the content of the paper , it can be made of two parts : one is the radiative transfer on surface , and the other is the designing of the emulating - software on sky background
  • Because sky is the main battlefield of today and future , the research of the targets detection in the sky background will not end , and yet conversely , it will continue developing in the antagonism
  • The concept of irradiance signal - to - noise ratio ( snr ) on the target plane and the minimum of the irradiance that can be detected by the detector was taken as the beginning , combined with a thorough analysis of the spectrum radiating feature of the target and the sky background , the atmosphere conditions , spectral filtering and the influence that the various components in the system have on the target irradiance on the detector ' s target plane and the background irradiance snr , the equation of the flying bomb ' s effect range affected by the point of burst measuring system is made , and all related factors that have an impact on the effect range are analyzed as well
  • 4 . realize the render and display of subastral point tracks on the global satellite images . also include the display of satellite coverage ; realize the render of the three - dimension scene in which satellites orbiting the earth , including the render of satellite track and satellite model ; realize the render of scene based on the ground viewpoint , including the render of sky background , satellite ana satellite track
    4 、实现了在全球卫星影像地图上卫星的星下点轨迹的绘制和显示,以及覆盖区域的显示;实现了卫星围绕地球旋转的三维场景显示、卫星轨迹显示以及卫星模型显示;实现了以地面观测站为观测视点的场景显示,地面以及天空背景显示,卫星及卫星轨迹显示。
  • Abstract : the reflective characteristics of sea and sky background radiation , which have important effect on the infrared signature from flight vehicle above sea , are studied in the paper . the statistical distribution of wave facet directions is discussed , the effects of randomly riging and falling sea wave on the sea surface radiation and on the sun light reflection are also discussed . calculation methods of irradiance from sea surface radiation and reflected sun light on observation point are derived in the paper . finally a computation example is given , which shows the sea and sky background radiation has important effect on infrared characteristic especially in the front area of a flight vehicle
  • It is a branch subject of the national natural science fund project called the model and emulating about the property of spectrum radiative in sky background . the whole project can be divided into 3 parts : the radiative transfer in atmosphere , the radiative transfer in cloud and the radiative transfer on surface
    它是国家自然科学基金- -天空背景光谱辐射特性建模与仿真的一个分支课题,全课题可以分为三个部分研究:大气中的辐射传输,云层在地对空观测中的影响以及下垫面在地对空观测中的影响。
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